For our initial range of plastic-free personal care products you might be aware that we have designed and produced some lovely organic cotton gift bags which also act as the outer packaging. Since our leading products are organic sea sponges it’s only fitting that we have organic packaging for them.
But better than disposable packaging, we wanted functional packaging which also makes for a very attractive gift in a convenient price range and works for even the hardest to buy for friends.
As we grow bigger and sales grow we are getting through 1000’s of these ecological delights and so as part of our scaling up process we are now having some of our materials custom made for us and with each change of material we are getting more ecological every time.
To keep the bags 100% organic cotton we need to make sure the 3 components are organic. So the fabric, the draw cord and the thread which is used to stitch it all together. So these bags aren’t just “made with organic fabric”, the whole bag is organic.
But then we went a bit further. We decided that even the tiny 3cm of cotton which we tie the tags onto the bags with should also be organic and now we’re starting to look at more ecological card to use in the tags themselves.
If anyone can recommend suppliers of organic cotton fabrics here in Europe or ecological card for printing product tags please get connected on LinkedIn.
And to learn where you can buy our amazing products, click here.

For two decades David has been the owner and director of several marketing and distribution companies. During this time he has learned the indisputable benefits of looking after customers, colleagues, workers, suppliers and the local community, treating them all as respected stakeholders in a common project. Recently he consolidated his personal beliefs and business ethics by founding and developing several ethical companies.